Near Future Science Fiction Novel — Thunder Moon Tussle
Thunder Moon Tussle is a near future science fiction novel by Torn MacAlester.

Thunder Moon Tussle (Excerpt)
Introduction What follows is a short excerpt from “Thunder Moon Tussle” my novel. It is available at, click here. Excerpt from Thunder Moon Tussle Prologue Nils Carmike glanced at his friend Milton Johnson across the table containing a half empty fifth and two covered glasses with straws. They took a seat in the corner of the Conrad Station Hotel Bar to avoid the other patrons. “It’s quiet tonight,” said Nils. “Yes, it is,” Milton said. The late night meant that most had departed, leaving only the bartender Alex. He was busy watching the stream of the Ducks […]
Nils is a prospector, sometimes smuggler, who seems to always get into altercations with the local deputy sheriff (Moon Deputy) Genevieve (Gen) Miller.

Coming Soon
Torn MacAlester’s Fabulae Lunae
The Lunadyne Incident and Other Stories