A Near Future Science Fiction Vignette: Decisions by Torn MacAlester

Decisions Y+13 Nils heard Katie enter the room as he finished typing the letter and sent it to the printer. He’d been using the back bedroom as an office ever since they had moved to Houston. He’d set up a communications center in the room so that Katie could keep in communication with him whenever he spent some time in space. At one time, he thought it would not have been necessary. It turned out it became unnecessary, but for a completely different reason than he imagined. “What are you doing?” asked Katie with her heavy Texas drawl. “I’m writing […]
Nils & Katie Carmike struggle with the moment he decides that his chosen profession is leading no where. Check out this near future science fiction vignette. Decisions is part of a greater story arc that plays out in various stories including Thunder Moon Tussle and The Lunadyne Incident and Other Stories. I hope you enjoy this near future science fiction vignette: Decisions by Torn MacAlester

Coming Soon
Torn MacAlester’s Fabulae Lunae
The Lunadyne Incident and Other Stories