A Near Future Science Fiction Vignette: Directors and Malcontents

A  Near Future Sci­ence Fic­tion Vignette: Direc­tors and Mal­con­tents by Torn MacAlester

Now Available

Torn MacAlester’s Fabulae Lunae

The Lunadyne Incident  and Other Stories



Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

Coming in 2025


Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

A Near Future Science Fiction Vignette: Another Plot by Torn MacAlester

A  Near Future Sci­ence Fic­tion Vignette: Anoth­er Plot by Torn MacAlester


Now Available

Torn MacAlester’s Fabulae Lunae

The Lunadyne Incident  and Other Stories



Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

Coming in 2025


Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

A Science Fiction Vignette: Decisions by Torn MacAlester

A  Near Future Sci­ence Fic­tion Vignette: Deci­sions by Torn MacAlester


Nils & Katie Carmike strug­gle with the moment he decides that his cho­sen pro­fes­sion is lead­ing no where. Check out this near future sci­ence fic­tion vignette. Deci­sions is part of a greater sto­ry arc that plays out in var­i­ous sto­ries includ­ing Thun­der Moon Tus­sle and The Luna­dyne Inci­dent and Oth­er Sto­ries. I hope you enjoy this near future sci­ence fic­tion vignette: Deci­sions by Torn MacAlester


Coming Soon

Torn MacAlester’s Fabulae Lunae

The Lunadyne Incident  and Other Stories



Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

Science Fiction Vignette “Sins of the Son” by Torn MacAlester

Now on Audio

Sins of the Son is a Sci­ence Fic­tion Vignette by Torn MacAlester

It is a sto­ry about Mark Mason, who appears in my near future sci­ence fic­tion nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle, avail­able for Kin­dle or Paper­back for­mat at Amazon.com.


Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

A Science Fiction Vignette from Torn’s Timeline of Events: Commander

A science fiction vignette by Torn Macalester:

This is a sci­ence fic­tion vignette deal­ing with Nils Carmike’s dis­cus­sion with his Commander.




Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Y+1; A Science Fiction Vignette

A science fiction vignette by Torn Macalester:

This is a sci­ence fic­tion vignette deal­ing with a radio talk show and a sur­vivor liv­ing near dev­as­ta­tion of the Yel­low­stone caldera.





Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: The Soldier




Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: The Mountain



Coming Soon

Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

By Torn MacAlester

Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Sins of the Sun

Coming Soon

Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

By Torn MacAlester

Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

The Well: A New Vignette by Torn MacAlester

“This man claims to have built a worm­hole,” said Mark Mason, point­ing to the paper, then glanc­ing back at the video camera.

“I seri­ous­ly doubt he has,” said Doc­tor Vogel­mann. “Such a thing would be high­ly unsta­ble and require mas­sive amounts of ener­gy to pro­duce. One does not pro­duce such a thing in one of the biggest lab­o­ra­to­ries on Earth, let alone in the basement.”

“He claims to have one and is will­ing to have me look at it.”

“Then, sir. I rec­om­mend you bring me along to eval­u­ate it.”

“That’s what I pre­fer,” said Mark, lean­ing clos­er to the camera.

“There is a how­ev­er com­ing. I sense it.”

“Very per­cep­tive, Doc­tor. There is a however.”

“I knew it,” she said.

“It’s a mat­ter of finan­cial secu­ri­ty, Doctor.”

“I get it. You won’t want investors or com­peti­tors to be aware of your activ­i­ties yet. You’re afraid that they’ll pull the rug out from under you if they get a hint of what you are doing.”

“That’s the gist of it,” said Mark.

“You real­ly need to give me an expla­na­tion some­day. With your mon­ey, I sus­pect suc­cess is enough to keep the mon­ey flowing.”

“Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the oppo­site is true. Suc­cess means that the investors become risk adverse.”

“True,” the Doc­tor said. “Your invest­ment with me will raise some eye­brows regard­ing risk. Few believe that FTL is possible.”

“You’ve already said that you know it is.”

“I do. In fact, it is a well-ground­ed the theory.”

“A fact you always bring to my atten­tion,” said Mark, feel­ing the irri­ta­tion cross his nerves. “Though you’ve yet to prove any of it.”

“You know, I’ve explained why that will take some time. You are per­sis­tent and I now have some tools we need to prove it avail­able now. It is only a mat­ter of time.”

“That’s good.”

“Yes, it is,” she agreed.

“In the mean­time. I need to know what to look for to eval­u­ate this man’s sup­posed wormhole.”

“Well, I expect to see a face star­ing back from the bot­tom of a well.”

“You’re jok­ing,” exclaimed Mark.

“Yes. If there is a face star­ing at you, I’m cer­tain it is a scam.”

“Why in the world would he do that?”

“He heard the rumor,” she said.

“What rumor?”

“The one about you see­ing a face in the mine when Yel­low­stone blew.”

“Doc­tor,” said Mark, sup­press­ing the urge to get angry. “I appre­ci­ate the attempt at humor, but you don’t know what you are talk­ing about.”