Now on Audio
Sins of the Son is a Science Fiction Vignette by Torn MacAlester
It is a story about Mark Mason, who appears in my near future science fiction novel Thunder Moon Tussle, available for Kindle or Paperback format at

Sins of the Son

Sins of the Son Audio
Sins of the Son By Torn Macalester “Did you hear it?” The patient asked over the cacophony of emergency equipment as the doctor worked on him and six other patients that were nearly as bad. “Hear what?” The doctor asked, placing the gauze pads over the burns. “Make sure we clear his lungs. We need a scope in him as soon as possible.” “She’s singing to us.” “What is she singing?” Doctor answered, looking at his eyes. One seemed burned, but the other remained clear. Triage put him in the urgent category, but […]