Chris and Doug smiled happily as I held on to them for the picture. I tried my best to smile too, but I had found that my smile frightens most people, so I always tone it down for pictures. Doug’s mom snapped the photo with her phone, then Doug ran off to the left. In an instant, Chris followed. I eyed Doug’s mom for a moment before I turned in time to hear.
“Hurry Sammy,” Doug yelled.
“Yeah!” yelled Chris.
“Here I come,” I yelled, running fast enough to catch up with Chris, who ran a few meters behind Doug.
“I’m going to win,” screamed Doug.
“You’re a cheat,” answered Chris.
“Where are we racing to?” I asked as I easily followed.
“It’s a secret,” Doug gasped as he slowed.
“You’re still a cheat,” Chris stated as he caught up and stopped just as Doug stopped. I followed suit.
“I win,” gasped Doug.
“You did not,” said Chris. “You just gave up before I could pass you.”
“Yeah,” I added, knowing that Doug had stopped just as Chris neared passing him.
“Says you, slowpoke,” Doug snapped back. “Sammy the slowpoke.”
“Awe,” I feigned a slightly hurt tone.
“He can’t help it,” Chris answered. “He’s supposed to play fair with us.”
“Yeah,” I said, knowing that I could out race any human by better than twice as fast.