Cover Art for Morgan’s Road

Cover art by Shannan Albright

Morgan’s Road

By Torn MacAlester

Mak­ing a liv­ing on the Moon is not for every­one, but Nel­son Carmike actu­al­ly pre­ferred the air­less basalt plains over Earth’s windy prairies.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, three years of Moon prospect­ing left him pen­ni­less, and with­out funds for sup­plies he was doomed to face a forced flight home. Out of options, Nel­son had all but giv­en up until a prospec­tor, pre­sumed dead for twen­ty years, arrives on his doorstep with a secret.

Can Nel­son fig­ure out how the man sur­vived on his own, and learn to do the same before his sup­plies out?

Story Excerpt from Morgan’s Road

Morgan’s Road

by Torn MacAlester

After fill­ing the tank, Nel­son hur­ried inside. After remov­ing his hel­met, he saw Max look at him strangely.

“What’s wrong, Nel­son?” she asked.

“Noth­ing,” he said, feel­ing his face tug­ging with a grin. “Tell me, has there ever been an old prospec­tor called Mor­gan around the station?”

“Mor­gan,” her hand caressed her chin as she thought, “No. I can’t think of a Morgan.”

“Think, Max. It could have been years ago. Back when the sta­tion was new.”

“What are you talk­ing about, Nelson?”

“Is there an old prospec­tor called Mor­gan?” he pressed. “He may not have been here in years.”

“I can’t think of one.” Her expres­sion changed, and her eyes opened wide. “You can’t mean Mor­gan Johnson.”

For more read Mor­gan’s Road by Torn MacAlester

Thunder Moon Tussle (Preview)

Today I have post­ed chap­ter 4,  the fifth install­ment of my nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle.  The ini­tial edit has been com­plet­ed and sub­se­quent edits are in progress.  Cur­rent­ly, the pro­ject­ed pre-release is slat­ed for late July, with a full release in Sep­tem­ber or October.

Today I post­ed the third chap­ter of my nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle.   The planned pre­re­lease is this July, with the nov­el to be released in the fall.  I’ve post­ed the pro­logue and the first through third chap­ters for your enjoy­ment.  A relat­ed sto­ry to chap­ter 3 is Golf and Out­gassing, which tells the sto­ry of Annie Mac­In­turn­er’s flight to the Moon that Nils and Mil­ton dis­cuss.  Thank you for your interest,

Torn MacAlester

Today I post­ed the sec­ond chap­ter of my nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle.   The planned pre­re­lease is this July, with the nov­el to be released in the fall.  I’ve post­ed the pro­logue and the first and sec­ond chap­ters for your enjoy­ment.  Thank you for your interest,

Torn MacAlester

The Moon has been set­tled for almost 20 years, but it is still a fron­tier. Nils Carmike must nav­i­gate the demands of his per­son­al neme­sis, the strik­ing­ly beau­ti­ful and demand­ing Deputy Miller, and the job his long time friend Mil­ton John­son has thrown to him. Pre­pare for a jour­ney to the begin­nings of com­mer­cial­iza­tion of the Moon as Nils and Miller strug­gle against the past and each oth­er. “We must always remem­ber rule num­ber one, Miller: Survive!