It Starts With A Paradox
Part 2 of World Building for Science Fiction Part 2—It Starts With A Paradox by Torn MacAlester Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels The Fermi Paradox The Fermi paradox tries to answer: Where are they (the aliens)? It looks at how fast travel is across the galaxy. It says by inference the time to explore the 100 billion solar systems within the galaxy. The paradox assumes that the first civilization to emerge will find itself alone the cosmos. Because they find themselves alone, the civilization will try to figure out the answer to the question: Where are they? […]

The Great Filter
Featured The Fermi Paradox creates an interesting dilemma from science. What is the filter that seems to be preventing conclusive evidence of alien civilizations? In other words, what is the ‘Great Filter’? We have several options: Planets capable of supporting life: That might be a deceptive description. What is a planet capable of supporting life. The first indication is that it must have liquid water present. This is certainly necessary but it isn’t sufficient. A better criteria would be the world having sufficiently long time to support life for life to evolve far enough to have intelligent life. Such examples […]