Science and Technology in Morgan’s Road

Short science fiction by Torn MacAlester

Being a sci­en­tist and engi­neer, I enjoy adding as real­is­tic ele­ments as pos­si­ble to my sto­ries.  For exam­ple, I wrote this arti­cle to dis­cuss the sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy that I ref­er­enced in writ­ing the sto­ry Mor­gan’s Road.

Sci­ence of Mor­gan’s Road.

There are cer­tain­ly some spoil­ers in that arti­cle. If you haven’t read Mor­gan’s Road, now is the time:

Mor­gan’s Road by Torn MacAlester.


The Mor­gan’s Road Cov­er Graph­ics are by Shan­nan Albright.


Mor­gan’s Road is relat­ed to the sci-fi nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle by Torn MacAlester , avail­able at in Kin­dle unlim­it­ed, Kin­dle, and paperback.

The science and technology of Morgan's Road

Thunder Moon Tussle and Morgan’s Road

Short science fiction by Torn MacAlester


Among oth­er things, Nils Carmike is a sto­ry teller.  This is some­thing his friend Mil­ton finds ridicu­lous. This pro­vides the back­drop for Thun­der Moon Tus­sle by Torn MacAlester

Take a look at one of Nil­s’s favorite sto­ries: Mor­gan’s Road by Torn MacAlester.

Then read the sto­ry that Nils did­n’t tell:  Thun­der Moon Tus­sle by Torn MacAlester.


Cov­er for Thun­der Moon Tus­sle and graph­ic for Mor­gan’s Road by Shan­nan Albright.

Free Short Science Fiction Story by Torn MacAlester

Short science fiction by Torn MacAlester

Free short sci­ence fic­tion sto­ry: Mor­gan’s Road by Torn MacAlester

Mak­ing a liv­ing on the Moon is not for every­one, but Nel­son Carmike actu­al­ly pre­ferred the air­less basalt plains over Earth’s windy prairies.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, three years of Moon prospect­ing left him pen­ni­less, and with­out funds for sup­plies he was doomed to face a forced flight home. Out of options, Nel­son had all but giv­en up until a prospec­tor, pre­sumed dead for twen­ty years, arrives on his doorstep with a secret.

Can Nel­son fig­ure out how the man sur­vived on his own, and learn to do the same before his sup­plies out?

Check out this free short sci­ence fic­tion sto­ry. After­wards, take a look at the nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle by Torn MacAlester.


Cov­er Design by Shan­nan Albright

Morgan’s Road by Torn MacAlester

My short sto­ry Mor­gan’s Road acts as a pre­quel to the remain­der of my cur­rent sto­ries includ­ing my nov­el Thun­der Moon Tus­sle.  I wrote the sto­ry itself to roman­ti­cize the actu­al sci­ence results from LCROSS.  You can see the sci­ence behind the sto­ry in arti­cle The Sci­ence of Torn MacAlester’s Mor­gan’s Road.  


The cov­er art is by Shan­nan Albright 


Keep an eye on my blog posts for future releas­es, short fic­tion, and articles.

Short fiction: Clash of Titans

Here is a new short fic­tion vignette by yours tru­ly. This scene involves two of the impor­tant char­ac­ters appear­ing in Thun­der Moon Tus­sle. This short fic­tion could be regard­ed as a pre­quel, but there are no spoil­ers. Enjoy!