A Science Fiction Vignette from Torn’s Timeline of Events: Commander

A science fiction vignette by Torn Macalester:

This is a sci­ence fic­tion vignette deal­ing with Nils Carmike’s dis­cus­sion with his Commander.




Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

Thunder Moon Tussle: a Near Future Science Fiction Novel by Torn MacAlester

A Near Future Science Fiction Novel

A Near Future Sci­ence Fic­tion Nov­el by Torn MacAlester

Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle


Nils Carmike’s dream was to live on the Moon. He seized the chance to become a smug­gler on the Moon, leav­ing behind his astro­naut career, ex-wife, and post-Yel­low­stone dis­as­ter Earth. Life was going great until the seduc­tive and demand­ing Moon Deputy Miller arrived. She was hot today, cold tomor­row, and every day on Nils’s back. Out­ma­neu­vered and in over his head, Nils grants her a favor that leads to dan­ger. Can they work togeth­er and focus on the only thing that mat­ters? Or will they for­get Rule #1?

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Golf and Outgassing; a Science Fiction Short Story

A science fiction short story by Torn MacAlester

From Torn’s time­line of events, Golf and Out­gassing is a sci­ence fic­tion short sto­ry deal­ing with the first mis­sion return­ing to the Moon after many years:


Golf and Out­gassing: A Sci­ence Fic­tion Short Story



Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Y+1; A Science Fiction Vignette

A science fiction vignette by Torn Macalester:

This is a sci­ence fic­tion vignette deal­ing with a radio talk show and a sur­vivor liv­ing near dev­as­ta­tion of the Yel­low­stone caldera.





Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: The Soldier




Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: The Mountain



Coming Soon

Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

By Torn MacAlester

Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Drive to Houston


Coming Soon

Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

By Torn MacAlester

Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle

From Torn’s Timeline of Events: Sins of the Sun

Coming Soon

Fabulae Lunae 2

Mask of the Joyful Moon

By Torn MacAlester

Available Now


Fabulae Lunae 1

Thunder Moon Tussle