Thunder Moon Tussle received a Five Star Review

Thunder Moon Tussle received a five star review
Short science fiction by Torn MacAlester

Recent­ly, Thun­der Moon Tus­sle received a five star review. Thanks to every­one who has tak­en the time to read my nov­el.  I appre­ci­ate all of you.  I have a spe­cial thanks to Russ J., who pro­vid­ed me a nice review on  He called it  “a well-craft­ed sci­ence fic­tion tale,” and “well writ­ten, real­is­tic, and exit­ing” to describe the story.

I also want to thank the review­ers on who have pro­vid­ed their thoughts:

Lon­don Mar­i­on called it “Excit­ing”,

TRA called it “Worth Reading”,

and an Ama­zon cus­tomer “real­ly enjoyed this book”.





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