Story Excerpt from Morgan’s Road

Morgan’s Road

by Torn MacAlester

After fill­ing the tank, Nel­son hur­ried inside. After remov­ing his hel­met, he saw Max look at him strangely.

“What’s wrong, Nel­son?” she asked.

“Noth­ing,” he said, feel­ing his face tug­ging with a grin. “Tell me, has there ever been an old prospec­tor called Mor­gan around the station?”

“Mor­gan,” her hand caressed her chin as she thought, “No. I can’t think of a Morgan.”

“Think, Max. It could have been years ago. Back when the sta­tion was new.”

“What are you talk­ing about, Nelson?”

“Is there an old prospec­tor called Mor­gan?” he pressed. “He may not have been here in years.”

“I can’t think of one.” Her expres­sion changed, and her eyes opened wide. “You can’t mean Mor­gan Johnson.”

For more read Mor­gan’s Road by Torn MacAlester